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Future KMS Musicians and Parents

Dear 5th Grade Parents:


Congratulations on your child becoming a member of the Lake Shore Public School District Instrumental Music Program!  This letter is intended to provide information for your child’s decision to join 6th grade band – a decision that will enhance your child’s overall education.


One factor to consider when scheduling your child for band is their enjoyment for performing music.  The completion of 6th grade band is a major accomplishment and many students start the year knowing little about music and nothing about their instrument.  By May, your child has grown as a musician and knows many of the skills needed to continue throughout middle school band.  Band is a great way to be artistic and become involved in a school activity with friends!


Instrumental music in Lake Shore offers your child many benefits:


  • Puts the “Arts” in STEM to create STEAM – giving students added educational advantages

  • Improves Standardized Test Scores

  • Builds Self-Confidence

  • Increases Sense of Accomplishment

  • Cultivates Creativity

  • Develops Coordination

  • Fosters Responsibility and Self-Discipline

  • Develops Social Skills and Ability to Work with Others

  • Improves Communication Skills

  • Creates a Lifelong Appreciation for Music


Moreover, if continued at the high school level, it will also fulfill the Fine Arts Credit required for high school graduation.  We are positive this is the beginning of a musical and educational path that will enrich your child’s life in many ways for years to come. For more information about the high school and middle school programs visit us on the web at .


Another aspect to consider when your child is scheduling for 6th grade is music education’s positive impact on your child’s development, especially in the critical years of middle school. Band is a successive class from year to year. Current band students are already familiar with the subject and will know many of their classmates already. Band is a nurturing environment in which their creative mind can flourish. Various studies have concluded that musically trained students have a higher salary, achieve higher GPA’s, and perform better on standardized tests (like the SAT) than their non-music peers. Signing up for band in 6th grade is the first step to a lifelong appreciation of the arts and personal fulfillment which is unmatched in any other subject.


As your child graduates to middle school, we understand that you may be worried about the increased homework and high stakes testing that your child will be subject to. This is even more reason for you to stick with music instruction! Although it may sometimes seem that the goal of school is to test for the memorization of facts, we know that school is to help your child grow into an inquisitive adult with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Without instrumental music education as part of their day, your child will be missing out on some uniquely important life lessons and tools. As your child progresses in the Lake Shore Instrumental Music Program, you will be hard-pressed to find an activity that offers a more rewarding return than your child’s musical involvement.


Your child deserves the best, most well-rounded education that this school district can offer!  Please feel free to ask your band teacher any questions you may have regarding your child scheduling band at the 6th grade level. Mr. Arnold is also a valuable resources to answer any questions about scheduling. When your child signs up for band, they are continuing participation in one of the most consistently successful organizations in the Lake Shore Public School District. Band begins in 6th grade, but music knowledge lasts a lifetime!


In the best interest of your child,

The Lake Shore Instrumental Music Staff


© Copyright Eisenhower Bands

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