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Eisenhower High School Instrumental Music Program Documents


General Documents

  1. Instrumental Music Master Calendar

  2. Band Handbook

  3. Commitment Form 

  4. 2023-24 Volunteer Criminal History Check Form


Classroom Handouts


    1. Musical Terms

    2. Score Order Handout: Concert Band

    3. Instrument Transposition Guide (from Concert Pitch)

    4. Balance-Blend Handout


    1. Circle of 4ths-Jazz Chords

    2. Jazz Scale/Chord Sheet (Treble Clef)

    3. Jazz Scale/Chord Sheet (Bass Clef)

    4. Piano Voicings “Superchords” Handout

Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Band

    1. Chamber Music Project (Wind Ensemble only)

      1. Chamber Project Student Info Sheet 2019-20

      2. Chamber Project Turn In Sheet

      3. Chamber Music Roster:

    2. Sectionals

      1. Sectional Credit Form (Due by the end of each Month (Oct. – May)

Course Syllabus

  1. Fundamentals of Music: Semester 1Semester 2

  2. Symphonic Band

  3. Wind Ensemble

  4. Jazz Ensemble

  5. Concert Band

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