How Parents Can Help
Volunteering is a fantastic way to become involved. If you have any questions about times or what each duty entails, please contact any member of on our Eisenhower Band Booster Executive Board. Four years in high school go by fast so becoming part of the action as a freshman band parent is a great way to make it last.
So, what can I do…?
You can volunteer for one of several single day events:
Football Games
Concert ushers
Student uniform fittings
Host sight of MSBOA Festivals
Mini Camp
Beverage distribution at football games
Pre-Festival Concert
Distribution/return of M.B uniforms at football games
You can coordinate any of the following:
Concert attire distribution/collection
Marching band attire/uniform distribution
Marching Hydration
Afterglow coordinator
You can chaperone:
Band Festivals
Harper Woods Invitational
Elementary M.B. tour
Band Trips
Band camp
You can also participate in one of our many fundraisers happening throughout the year!
We have trips all times of the year and all times of the day. Hopefully one will fit into your schedule. Check out our calendar to see what is coming up next!
Congratulations on becoming part of a wonderful experience at Eisenhower High School!