Eisenhower Marching Eagles
The Shorian Marching Band is a musical marching unit that is a co-curricular ensemble that rehearses outside the school day. The prerequisite for the Marching Band class is concurrent enrollment in the either the Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble. The ensemble consists of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and a color guard. Membership requires dedication and maximum effort in all aspects of marching, playing, rehearsal, and performance.
The Shorian Marching Band provides entertainment at home football games, local parades and events, and at the District 16 MSBOA Marching Band Festival held in early October. The class meets mid-August through mid-October. The color guard and percussion sections may be expected to rehearse once every week during the summer. Participation in the Marching Band will result in mandatory attendance at all rehearsals and performances, including the parades and band camps during the spring and summer.

The Shorian Marching Band is under the direction of Brad Arnold. The award-winning band boasts one of the strongest marching band traditions in Macomb County. They annually perform at the MSBOA Marching Band Festival in addition to local parades, football games, and at Marching Band Camp.