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Note: If you would like to save yourself a trip to the music store, we have a representative from A&G Central that visits us each week. Instruments that need repairs can be left with Mr. Arnold to give to them. Other equipment can be ordered from their store to be delivered to KMS as needed.
All Students need:
Band Method Book: Measures of Success Book 1
A music stand for their practice space
Access to a metronome (either buy one, get an app like Tonal Energy, or just Google “metronome” for a free one embedded in the browser)
And then certain things specific to each instrument:
Flutes: Cleaning rod and swab
Clarinets: Cork grease, minimum of 3 reeds at all times (Juno or Rico Royal, strength 3 for beginners, Vandoren blue box or D’Addario Reserve at least strength 3 by 7th grade), cleaning swab, reed case (NOT what comes with reeds
Saxophones: Cork grease, minimum of 3 different reeds at all times (Juno or Rico Royal, strength 3 for beginners, Vandoren blue box or D’Addario Reserve at least strength 3 by 7th grade), a neck-strap, cleaning swab, reed case (NOT what comes with reeds, a separate "Reed Guard")
Oboes: Cleaning swab, minimum 3 reeds, reed case. Lesher and Jones reeds are good, strength medium or medium soft.
Horns: Valve oil, tuning slide grease, mouthpiece brush, cleaning snake
Trumpets: Valve oil, tuning slide grease, mouthpiece brush, cleaning snake
Trombones: Slide cream (Trombotine is best), tuning slide grease, small spray bottle, mouthpiece brush, cleaning snake
Baritones/Tubas: Valve oil, tuning slide grease, mouthpiece brush, cleaning snake
6th Grade: Snare sticks - Vic Firth SD1 general sticks (recommended, good all-purpose stick) Mallets - hard plastic 7-8 th Grade: All of the above, plus medium/medium hard yarn mallets, xylophone mallets (hard rubber), and a stick bag to keep everything in
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